Jen Selter Monday Workout

Here’s the Jen Selter Monday Workout. It mostly works the legs and butt:
Wide Dumbbell Squats41530 secs30 secs rest
Squats Thrust Twist41530 secsbetween each set
Walking Lunges42030 secs1 min rest
Bosu Ball Squats41530 secsbetween each
Medicine Ball Squats41530 secsexercise
Plyometric Squat Jump312-1530 secs
Donkey Kicks41530 secs15 reps per leg
Leg Abductors/Adductors412-1530 secs

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Instagram @JenSelter

Finish with 30-45 minutes of cardio on your favorite machine. Add an incline to work your butt. Use 2-3 different machines if you get bored easily. Also, make sure to have a playlist handy so you can keep focused. Here is a Jen Selter workout video from 2014. It covers more than you would do in an actual workout. She shot this for her new sponsor/partner, GamePlan:

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Instagram @JenSelter

Jen Selter says that her goal with all this social media exposure is motivation. The pictures not only inspire her to get better, but also inspire millions of people on their journey toward living a fit lifestyle.
The only way you will see results is if you stay consistent. You will only get what you work for. When I first started posting photos, I never thought my butt would be this sensation, or like the most-known butt on Instagram these days.
Jen also does some upper body workouts. But, she hasn’t posted the exact workouts. She likes to use the Spider Crawl, Frog, and pushups for her upper body. Since it was her butt selfies that made her famous, those are the workouts she is focused on sharing. Jen did share this Core Challenge on Facebook:

Core Challenge

  • 50 crunches
  • 10 push ups
  • 1 minute plank
  • 30 seconds side plank (right side)
  • 30 seconds side plank (left side)
  • 1 minute plank
  • 10 pushups
  • 50 jumping jacks
  • 50 crunches

Jen Selter Tuesday Upper Body, Abs, & Cardio Workout

The Jen Selter Tuesday workout is focused on upper body, abs and cardio. The best way to get abs is diet and cardio. Once you’ve gotten to the point where your abs are showing, you then kick your abs workouts into high gear.

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Instagram @JenSelter

On May 17th 2014, Jen posted her upper body workout to Facebook. She is a fan of the “Tank Top Arms” Workout:
tank top arms
On July 7, 2014, Jen Selter posted this Facebook workout routine:

Jen’s Tuesday Workout Challenge

Here’s Jen’s Tuesday Workout Challenge”
  1. 30 Squats
  2. 30 Lunges
  3. 30 Calf raises
  4. 1 minute wall sit
  5. 50 Jumping Jacks
  6. 1 minute wall sit
  7. 30 Sumo Squats
  8. 30 Leg Lifts
  9. 20 Jump Squats
  10. 50 Jumping Jacks
Now, it’s time for a Tuesday Abs Routine:
Ab Crunches41530 secs30 secs rest
Bicycle Crunches41530 secsbetween each set
Reverse Crunches42030 secs1 min rest
High Knees41530 secsbetween each
Forearm Planks41530 secsdifferent exercise
Lower Leg Lifts31530 secs
Mountain Climbers31530 secs15 reps per leg
Cardio30-45minsIncline for best results

Finish strong with 30-45 minutes of cardio. Jen likes the StairMaster and incline treadmill as her go-to cardio exercise machines. This helps to work your legs and butt. If you get tired of one machine, Jen Selter’s workout tip is to move onto a different machine every 10-15 minutes.
high knees :
Jen says that her favorite abs exercises include:
  1. Bicycle Crunches
  2. Crunches on Ball
  3. Crunches with Arms Extended
  4. Reverse Crunches
  5. Side crunch
  6. Plank

Jen Selter Wednesday Booty Workout

The Jen Selter Wednesday Booty workout is similar to Monday’s workout. The difference is that you do it in circuit format. This means you do on exercise of each once, then move onto the next exercise. When you’re done doing them all once, you repeat 3 times.

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Instagram @JenSelter

Knee Ups1minute30 secsAs fast as you can
Wide Dumbbell Squats12030 secstoes pointed outward
Walking Lunges12030 secsWeighted, 20 each leg
Bench Step Ups12030 secsWith weights, 20 each leg
Hip Thrusters13030 secs(no weight to start)
Wide Dumbbell Squats12030 secstoes pointed outward
Donkey Kicks13030 secsper leg
Jumping Jacks15030 secs
After you’re done with one set. Rest one minute. Then, repeat the circuit 3 times!

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Instagram @JenSelter
Here you see Jen doing the “glute kickbacks” that she talks about in the quote below.

Finish with cardio for 30-40 minutes. Jen says that she often does the StairMaster with Glute Kickbacks:
When she’s done with 20-30 minutes on the StairMasters, Jen often uses a different machine. Her goal is to do 30-40 minutes of cardio per day. So she’ll often finish on the treadmill, spinner or elliptical. It’s also good to stretch post-workout. This gets blood flowing back into your legs and butt for recovery and flexibility.

Jen Selter Thursday Quick Butt Workout

Some days you don’t have time to make it to the gym. The Jen Selter Thursday Quick Butt workout is the answer. It is an at-home workout that can be achieved through the following:
When she’s getting ready for summertime, Jen Selter wants to show off her arms. She posted on Facebook that this is her go-to upper body workout:
tank top arms
As you can see, Jen Selter started working out when she was 16 in 2010. (she’s 20 in 2014). So she has made steady progress in improving her butt with these specially-designed booty workouts.

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Instagram @JenSelter
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Instagram @JenSelter

If you have more time, then here’s another Thursday workout that Jen Selter put up on Facebook:

jen selter workout hip bridges 253x300
Instagram @JenSelter

Knee Ups1minute30 secsAs fast as you can
Wide Dumbbell Squats14030 secstoes pointed outward
Walking Lunges13030 secsWeighted, 20 each leg
Jump Squats12030 secsWith weights, 20 each leg
Side Lunges13030 secs(no weight to start)
Hip Bridges13030 secstoes pointed outward
After you’re done with one set. Rest one minute. Then, repeat the circuit 3 times!
Jen says that you need to transform working out into a positive habit:
Making anything a habit from exercise to eating right is a matter of wanting something bad enough. One strategy for acquiring a new habit is to imagine the benefits of that habit. In the case of exercise, picture yourself in great shape. Find your goal body and look at it everyday! This Should help inspire and motivate you.
Jen’s Butt Selfies (#Belfies) have become so popular that even Rihanna now follows her on Instagram.

Jen Selter Friday Abs Workout

The Jen Selter Friday abs workout focuses on doing 300 reps. Do 4 exercises, then take a break. You may need more rest at first. That is fine. Here’s the 300 Abs Workout:
Ab Crunches1300 secs
Toe Touches1300 secs
Bicycle Crunches1200 secs
Reverse Crunches12030 secs
Side Plank Hip Lifts1150 secsRight Leg
Ab Crunches1300 secs
Side Plank Hip Lifts1150 secsLeft Leg
Russian Twists14030 secs
Bicycle Crunches1300 secs
Oblique V-Ups1150 secsRight Leg
Reverse Crunches1200 secs
Oblique V-Ups1150 secsLeft Leg
Lower Leg Lifts11030 secs
Repeat entire circuit 3 more times.?

Saturday Glute Workout

The Saturday Glute workout is Jen Selter’s go-to butt workout. You warm up quickly, then do circuit training. Jen gets advice from fitness professionals, but says she plans all her workout routines herself. This is because she says she knows more about her body than anyone else. Jen says about planning her workout routines:
I know what’s best for my body, and no one can cater a workout to my body except for me. Knowing your body is one of the most important things when you’re trying to better it.

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Instagram @JenSelter

Start with a Warm Up:
  1. 50 jumping jacks
  2. 10 front kicks (each leg)
  3. 15 hip bridges
  4. 30 second hamstring stretch hold each leg, then the workout:
Wide Dumbbell Squats11030 secs
Plie squats11030 secs
Leg Lifts on All Fours14030 secs20 reps each leg
Walking Lunges12030 secs10 reps each leg
Wide Dumbbell Squats11030 secs
Leg Lift with Pulse120 each30 secslike #3, but just the pulse at the top
Donkey Kicks13030 secs15 reps per leg
 you’re looking for extra fat-burning, shorten your rest periods. It is necessary to maintain rest when you start a new workout. But, the less rest, the better, once you kick things into full swing. This allows your heart rate to stay in the fat-burning 120-130 zone.

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Instagram @JenSelter

Circuit training means that you do one set of each exercise, then move onto the next exercise. You do one set of each exercise, to complete one circuit of the workout. Then, you repeat the circuit 3 more times.
If you have time, finish with this Sweaty Ab Circuit.
Jumping Jacks1500 secs
Ab Crunches15030 secs
Squat Jumps1500 secs
Forearm Planks11 min30 secs
High Knees11 min0 secs
Bicycle Crunches12530 secs
Reverse Crunches1250 secs
Jump Rope11 min0 secs
Mountain Climbers12030 secs
Crunches on Ball1250 secsWith Stability Ball
Rest one minute. Then, repeat circuit up to 2 more times (as your fitness levels persist).

Jen Selter’s Bonus Ab Workout

Here’s a pic of Jen Selter’s Bonus Ab workout called Total Abs. She posted on Facebook: Do 3 sets of this abs workout and feel that burn. Do it in circuit format (so one set of each exercise, then repeat 2 more times).
Jen Selter’s bonus abs workout
Jen selters bonus abs workout2

Jen Selter Diet

The Jen Selter diet is all about eating clean. This means very little processed foods. If it grows it the earth, it’s good. If it’s made in a factory, you should avoid too much of it. Also, get an app like My Fitness Pal if you want to track your calories. Central to the Jen Selter diet is the fact that:
It’s 20 percent in the gym and 80 percent in the kitchen. You can’t outrun a bad diet. I eat as clean as I can. I try to avoid refined sugars and flours, and I incorporate a lot of lean protein, like grilled chicken. I also eat throughout the day to keep my metabolism up
Whey protein is one of the best ways to make your butt bigger.  Whey is the good part of cow’s milk, that makes your muscles bigger. It’s one of the fastest absorbing proteins. This is what makes it so good for recovery. Your body naturally wants to burn muscle, as well as, fat for energy during a workout. Eating protein 30 minutes before and after your workout is crucial to keeping the muscle weight on. (Jen is quick to point out that muscle cells burn 10 times more fat than other cells).
So, whey protein s a popular way to maintain a big booty. Here is a post that Jen Selter put on Facebook about one of her favorite pre-workout meals:
jen selter diet banana french toast
The Jen Selter diet includes eating small meals of protein and carbs throughout the day. Also, she maintains the mantra:
  • Less sugar, more fruit.
  • Less soda, more water.
  • Less worry, more sleep.
Jen Selter eats dark chocolate during the week to curb her cravings. She also has a cheat meal of ice cream on Sundays. Jen uses an “Animal Pump” type of pre-workout. This intensifies her workouts and muscular gains. She also drinks a whey shake after her workout. This is to help her muscles recover with a fast-absorbing protein.
On a recent Jen Selter Instagram post, her friend made her a whole-wheat breakfast burrito with broccoli, bell peppers, avocado, egg whites, along with grapefruit juice.
Here’s a pic of Jen’s post-workout meal she posted on Tumblr (lots of lean protein for booty recovery and veggies as the best source of nutrition):

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